Sunday, June 19, 2011

An ending......

Because of a few items that have come up, we will have to postpone the family gathering until next year. I know some of you are very dissapointed (I know just the little kids), but lets use the rest of this summer and over the winter to mull over where and what the family gathering should be. I think that all the ideas that I presented and the ones that came out at the wedding are all feasible. So to that end, let us form a committe and get er done! Terri and Jen were so enthusiastic about doing minute - to - win it, that I think they should still handle that one. I will leave Colleen and Betty on Pinata duty and I was thinking maybe Justin could work on some shirts or something. Since so many of the Doug Tryon's have so much experience with working with kids, maybe some could take on the duties of coming up with races and what age groups you need. Most of us who talked at Tabi and Eric's wedding still think some of the "old fashion" races would be fun. So for that we need about a dozen old ties, and about a dozen gunny sacks. Would you want water balloon toss, and/or egg race? If someone would volunteer for the position of Race Director, I can come up with the ages of most if not all of the people. We also need to decide about food. There are some who still feel that a pot luck is the best solution. I think those who live in Calgary could still bring some item so that Jen can eat all day LoL! But for the rest and for whatever meat/protein we have and all the condiments, plates, buns, napkins, prizes, candy, and price of whatever spot we have should be shared by all. Now I know that all those in Calgary are going to call foul and say we have to pay and provide? So, I will leave it up to you all. Either way we will need to know how many are coming and if you are bringing something or not.

Now, where do you want to have it? The options I see are: a community centre, Bowness park, some other park in the city, how about Bow Valley Provincial Park, or Marilyn's cabin, or out at Banff, or up by Three Hills. We should be open to any and all options, but please remember that we will need to have some place for the little kids, Jim and Tookie to go if they need a time out, or just a nap.

To get your creative juices flowing - see below for some pictures from past gatherings.  More to come later.

So, until next time - Happy Trails To You..
