Sunday, December 23, 2012


At this most blessed time of the year, please take time to reflect on your past, your present and where you would like to be in the future. Take time for gratitude, for joy, for love, for prayer, and take time to include fun. Spend time with those you love, spend time doing something special for others, think of those who are less fortunate, and take time for relaxing.

May you all be blessed during this season and may you all be blessed during this coming year. Most of us have faced some really hard challenges this year. y challenge to you all this coming year is to take a look at ourselves and really determine to change something. It may be the way we see, the way we think, the way we act or react, it may be making a move, going back to school, getting in touch with someone we once knew.

My prayer for you all is that this next year will be a much calmer and peaceful year. May God's Blessing be on you and your household.

Love Jean